Budweiser sign at Anheuser-Busch plant. All images courtesy the author.
Another wacky weekend in the Lou.
Diane and I visited all kinds of new places in town last weekend, with interesting and unintended consequences.
Before you judge us for going to the A-B plant, ask your arty self: why not? We saw some lovely aesthetic things, things you would never see in a business plant today. Draft horses, round buildings with stained glass windows, historic brick buildings made to school the worker's kids. An interesting lesson for corporate responsibility? I know the logic came from somewhere else, but still, an intriguing comparison.

A-B bottling building.

Horse and dog art.

Diane being from Milwaukee there was the inevitable check list comparing the A-B tour to the Miller tour. Points off A-B: not enough information about St. Louis and its relationship to A-B, limited sampling tastes--Milwaukee knows its audience!--they tried to give our tour group the bum's rush to accommodate the next group. Diane and I have pledged to try the Miller tour soon to fill in these blanks.

Diane at player piano.
Then off to the Scott Joplin House, where he lived for two or four years. Player piano was not his. None of the furniture, decorations, player rolls were his. Sad that such an important figure was so little preserved! (Perhaps the syphyllis had something to do with it?)

Diane at Tado Ando pool at Pulitzer Foundation.

Turtle at Laumeier.
After the terrible rainstorm (I swear we saw part of the tornado that touched down in University City), we drove to Laumeier where the air was clear and the animals were out. What bizarre sounds emanated from the fountain by Trova Woods!

Tree down.
Proof of the tornado that hit U-City. This tree was across the street from my house, and made a surreal end to a fun day.